Re: linux-arm-kernel useless for development (was Re: Your messageto Linux-arm-kernel awaits moderator approval)
From: Russell King
Date: Thu Aug 06 2009 - 06:44:39 EST
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 12:07:01PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> On Tue 2009-08-04 23:28:40, Russell King wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 12:00:51PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > >
> > > Please fix your mailinglist.
> > >
> > > You claimed that it is possible to crosspost between lkml and lakml,
> > > yet the lakml does everything to prevent that -- even in case as
> > > simple as reporting that regression that affects arm.
> >
> > Given your attitude, I'm going to say I'm NOT going to do a damned
> > thing if you can't talk to me in a sane and civilised way.
> Fine. You are unwilling to fix the mailinglist,
> > Treat me like shit and you will be treated as shit.
> and your behaviour leaves quite a lot to be desired, so... can we
> simply move mailinglist to someone who can (and is willing) to
> actually maintain it, like vger?
It appears the answer to that is no. People are free to subscribe to
the one on vger, where they won't have to "put up" with me. However,
it seems that people much prefer to subscribe to my lists, because that
seems to be where the expertise is.
(a) when ever you have a problem, you go shouting and making public
accusations without trying first to resolve the problem in private.
(b) you refuse to copy the right people, like Erik Mouw who co-
maintains the ARM mailing lists (and who does the bulk of the admin.)
(c) you really don't understand that "held for moderation" is *not*
rejection, but merely a case of mailman spotting something it doesn't
like and letting a *human* deal with it rather than out-right rejecting
I wonder, do you even know what happened to the message you're whinging
about? Would you prefer that your message was silently dropped into
/dev/null instead of having a chance of the issue being resolved? It
strikes me that _that_ would be a better solution than all your whinging.
In this case, you've hit the *default* maximum recipients limit. I
bet most other mailman-run mailing lists also have the same limit,
and therefore would also have held your message. However, despite that,
instead of talking to both myself and Erik in private, you have
to shout out on public mailing lists about how the ARM lists are
useless for development.
So, excuse me if I don't lift a finger to help you if that's how you
behave. Maybe Erik will feel differently, but your attitude has
completely demotivated me to provide you with any help.
Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of:
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