Re: Controlling memory allocation
From: Bryan Donlan
Date: Sat Sep 12 2009 - 13:31:29 EST
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Siddhartha Chhabra
<siddhartha.chhabra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I hope I am making some sense, so in essence my question can be re-framed
> as, can the kernel "virtualize" memory for a particular process so only a
> particular region of the memory is available for that particular process and
> all other activities like page allocation and replacement take place for
> this process only within this region and rest of the system functions
> normally with the entire memory available for use
> Thanks once again for your reply and I really appreciate all the help
I'm not an expert on the Linux memory manager, but I don't think what
you're asking has been implemented in the kernel - although it might
be useful for your particular research, it's not really useful in the
real world, so nobody's had a need to implement it. Of course, feel
free to do so yourself :)
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