Re: Using EV_MSC or extending KEY_*
From: Trilok Soni
Date: Tue Sep 15 2009 - 13:11:44 EST
Adding linux-input.
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Rick L. Vinyard, Jr.
<rvinyard@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On the Logitech G13 there are a set of 10 special keys at the top of the
> device.
> I've written the driver so that it maintains a map from the general keys
> (G1-G22) to Linux' input subsystem keys.
> The map can be changed on the fly, allowing multiple keymaps to be loaded.
> As a side note I haven't provided for this functionality (multiple
> keymaps) in the driver since this can be maintained from userspace, but it
> does need to know about the currently loaded keymap so that when the raw
> HID events are parsed the appropriate EV_KEY events can be input.
> I could set it up so that the special keys also map to a KEY_* code.
> However, I'd prefer to set things up so that any G1-G22 key can be mapped
> to any input subsystem KEY_* code and not reserve a set of 10 from the
> current KEY_* codes for the 10 special keys.
> One way I was thinking of approaching this was to generate EV_MSC type
> events (with a MSC_RAW code) using the value to indicate the state
> (pressed/released) and special key.
> Another way to approach this would be to extend the KEY_* #defines with a
> special set of 10 codes for the 10 special keys.
> Any suggestions on the better approach?
> Thanks,
> Rick
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---Trilok Soni
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