Re: Alpha: suspicious compiler warning in entry.S
From: David Howells
Date: Fri Oct 30 2009 - 09:17:12 EST
Michael Cree <mcree@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On the assumption that it is important to include the TIF_NOTIFY_RESUME bit
> one might be tempted to modify the code to:
> lda $2, _TIF_WORK_MASK
> and $5, $2, $2
> but this is time critical code. I am wondering whether it might be better
> to rearrange the bits in the thread information flags so that _TIF_WORK_MASK
> has a value less than 255 and the single instruction to perform an and
> operation can be maintained.
Unless the LDA can be interleaved around some memory accesses, then yes,
compressing _TIF_WORK_MASK would be good.
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