Re: [BUGFIX for .32] crypto, gcm, fix another complete call incomplete fuction
From: Herbert Xu
Date: Tue Nov 03 2009 - 10:53:46 EST
On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 10:40:17AM +0800, Huang Ying wrote:
> The flow of the complete function (xxx_done) in gcm.c is as follow:
> void complete(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
> {
> if (!err) {
> err = async_next_step();
> if (err == -EINPROGRESS || err == -EBUSY)
> return;
> }
> complete_for_next_step(areq, err);
> }
> But *areq may be destroyed in async_next_step(), this makes
> complete_for_next_step() can not work properly. To fix this, one of
> following methods is used for each complete function.
So why is async_next_step destroying areq? Can you give me a
concrete example?
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