Re: [PATCH] Please get this committed, _NOW_ (preferrably 5 yearsago), thanks.

From: Andreas Mohr
Date: Sun Nov 08 2009 - 11:16:35 EST


On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 04:30:32PM +0100, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> On Sunday 08 November 2009, Américo Wang wrote:
> > Yeah, I mentioned it to mean it is not suitable to explain
> > user-space problems in a kernel source file. Putting it into a kernel
> > doc should be fine.
> I think it would be best to put it on a wiki page, e.g. on
> and point to that. That means you will be able to add information to it
> independent of the kernel version.

I don't know, personally I think that's way too disconnected.
A Wiki entry might be down, might get renamed, might get converted to an
entirely different Wiki etc. Or might sit on a certain (admittedly large ;)
network that I don't have access to under certain circumstances.
In general these issues should be treated right where they're being created,
and that's the kernel.
And I don't see how "independent of the kernel version" is relevant
here. If I have such an issue, then I look into that file on a tree I
have here (which usually is a current version), and if that doesn't
help, then one could look into the exact version that (tries to) boots.

And IMHO what we should perhaps think of is inventing a reference number
scheme for people to easily look up kernel issues.
This could then be something like "LKE#1234: No init found." (L_inux
K_ernel E_rror).
OTOH this would bloat kernel messages, thus maybe there's a way to
handle it more intelligently.


Andreas Mohr
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