Re: Crash during SATA reads

From: Glenn Maynard
Date: Thu Nov 12 2009 - 05:12:02 EST

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> To rule out any potential hardware problems, have you run any extensive
> memory checks on this machine?

God damn it. I ran memtest+ just a week or so ago and it was fine
through several passes; now it's failing badly. I'm inclined to send
Kingston a bill for a day and a half of wasted time.

I didn't think back to memory since I'm used to memory problems in
userspace, where they cause wildly variable crashes. Of course, the
kernel's far more likely to stick data in the same spot, so it makes
sense that it doesn't cause as much volatility, leading to a bunch of
related-looking crashes.


Glenn Maynard
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