Re: large packet loss take2 2.6.31.x

From: Caleb Cushing
Date: Fri Nov 13 2009 - 11:25:38 EST

> So I assume it's your only network device on this box and according
> to these reports it's with as the gateway,
> and your only change is kernel on this box, right?

yes, and semi obviously that router is my box (LinkSys wrt 54gl
openwrt kamikaze 8.09.1.

> Since the loss is seen on the first hop already, it seems it should be
> enough to query only - did you try this? If so, does this
> happen from the beginning of the test or after many loops? Could you
> try to repeat this wireshark dump with more data than before (but just
> to be sure there are a few unanswered pings). If possible it would be
> nice to have wireshark or tcpdump data from too, while
> pinged from Please, send it gzipped to bugzilla only plus
> ifconfig eth0 before and after the test (and let us know here).

same bug? or new bug? I can see what I can do to get a tcpdump from
the router. yes I tried that, I can tell within the first 10 pings. I
should say I don't notice it on every kernel boot, it's ~80% of
reboots (but that's pulled from my behind). but I haven't noticed it
on gfa31221 at all. it's reproducible in 31.6 too (arch just added

> Btw, mtr has text reporting too (--report). Larger things send to
> bugzilla only.

didn't know that, although I should have guessed (or rtfm), thanks.

Caleb Cushing
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