Re: [RFC] Should we create a raw input interface for IR's ? - Was: Re: [PATCH 1/3 v2] lirc core device driver infrastructure
From: Krzysztof Halasa
Date: Wed Nov 25 2009 - 12:40:52 EST
lirc@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Christoph Bartelmus) writes:
> I'm not sure what two ways you are talking about. With the patches posted
> by Jarod, nothing has to be changed in userspace.
> Everything works, no code needs to be written and tested, everybody is
> happy.
The existing drivers use input layer. Do you want part of the tree to
use existing lirc interface while the other part uses their own
in-kernel (badly broken for example) code to do precisely the same
We can have a good code for both, or we can end up with "badly broken"
media drivers and incompatible, suboptimal existing lirc interface
(though most probably much better in terms of quality, especially after
Jarod's work).
Krzysztof Halasa
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