Re: [RFC] Should we create a raw input interface for IR's ? - Was: Re: [PATCH 1/3 v2] lirc core device driver infrastructure

From: Christoph Bartelmus
Date: Thu Nov 26 2009 - 03:04:02 EST


on 25 Nov 09 at 12:44, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> Ah, but the approach I'd take to converting to in-kernel decoding[*] would
> be this:
> [*] assuming, of course, that it was actually agreed upon that in-kernel
> decoding was the right way, the only way, all others will be shot on sight.

I'm happy to see that the discussion is getting along.
But I'm still a bit hesitant about the in-kernel decoding. Maybe it's just
because I'm not familiar at all with input layer toolset.

1. For sure in-kernel decoding will require some assistance from userspace
to load the mapping from IR codes to keys. So, if there needs to be a tool
in userspace that does some kind of autodetection, why not have a tool
that does some autodetection and autoconfigures lircd for the current
device. Lots of code duplication in kernel saved. What's the actual
benefit of in-kernel decoding?

2. What would be the format of the key map? lircd.conf files already exist
for a lot of remote controls. Will we have a second incompatible format to
map the keys in-kernel? Where are the tools that create the key maps for
new remotes?

Maybe someone can shed some light on this.

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