Re: [RFC] What are the goals for the architecture of an in-kernel IR system?
From: Christoph Bartelmus
Date: Fri Dec 04 2009 - 02:38:14 EST
Hi Dmitry,
on 03 Dec 09 at 14:12, Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
>> Consider passing the decoded data through lirc_dev.
> I believe it was agreed that lirc-dev should be used mainly for decoding
> protocols that are more conveniently decoded in userspace and the
> results would be looped back into input layer through evdev which will
> be the main interface for consumer applications to use.
Quoting myself:
> Currently I would tend to an approach like this:
> - raw interface to userspace using LIRC
For me this includes both the pulse/space data and also the scan codes
when hardware does the decoding.
Consider cases like this:
This is an air-conditioner remote.
The entries that you see in this config file are not really separate
buttons. Instead the remote just sends the current settings for e.g.
temperature encoded in the protocol when you press some up/down key. You
really don't want to map all possible temperature settings to KEY_*
events. For such cases it would be nice to have access at the raw scan
codes from user space to do interpretation of the data.
The default would still be to pass the data to the input layer, but it
won't hurt to have the possibility to access the raw data somehow.
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