Re: Block IO Controller V4
From: Gui Jianfeng
Date: Mon Dec 07 2009 - 03:50:28 EST
Vivek Goyal wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 01:10:03PM -0500, Vivek Goyal wrote:
> [..]
>> Hi Gui,
>> Can you please try following patch and see if it helps you. If not, then
>> we need to figure out why we choose to not idle and delete the group from
>> service tree.
> Hi Gui,
> Please try this version of the patch instead of previous one. During more
> testing I saw some additional deletions where we should have waited and
> the reason being that we were hitting boundary condition. At the request
> completion time slice has not expired but after 4-5 ns, select_queue hits
> and jiffy has incremented by then and slice expires.
> ttime_mean, is not covering this condition because this workload is so
> sequential that ttime_mean=0.
> So I am checking for new condition where if we are into last ms of slice,
> mark the queue wait_busy.
> Thanks
> Vivek
> Signed-off-by: Vivek Goyal <vgoyal@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hi, Vivek
I add some debug message in select_queue, it does meet the boundary condition.
I tried this patch, and works fine on my box.
Acked-by: Gui Jianfeng <guijiafneng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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