Re: Intel Poulsbo [psb] driver for Asus Eeepc 1101
From: Zeno Davatz
Date: Mon Dec 07 2009 - 05:02:35 EST
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Éric Piel <eric.piel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Op 07-12-09 10:43, Zeno Davatz schreef:
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:05 AM, Éric Piel <Eric.Piel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Op 06-12-09 17:35, Zeno Davatz schreef:
>>> :
>>>> Yes, thanks. That helped another step. I am getting the correct screen
>>>> resolution after enabling that in the kernel as well. The boot [ok]
>>>> messages of Gentoo are in a higher resolution now though. That is a
>>>> good start.
>>>> But after my X starts I get a black screen with a
>>>> -
>>>> in the top left corner. They keyboard also does not work. May be an
>>>> config problem.
>>> I've got similar behaviour here if psb is loaded before the X server starts
>>> (aka there is a framebuffer). If the console is just ascii (no vga=...
>>> argument on the kernel boot line, and no "modprobe psb"), then X starts
>>> fine.
>> What are the exact options that you are using for "no vga"?
>> My terminal seems to automatically load "psb". I have no modprobe
>> loading "psb" explicitly.
> Well, I don't know exactly how it works, probably it's part of the
> initrd. Here, on Mandriva, if I remove the "vga" argument, it
> automatically stays in ascii mode.
Not the same on Gentoo. I think I have to find the kernel boot-option
that I can pass to lilo.
Also: When I force remove the modules psb and drm_psb with "rmmod -f"
and then start X I get the same error:
X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
undefined symbol: LoaderRefSymLists
X just does not yet like psb.
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