Re: [PATCH] Drop 80-character limit in
From: Alex Chiang
Date: Wed Dec 16 2009 - 14:59:46 EST
I've no comments on the actual patch but...
* Mikulas Patocka <mpatocka@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Drop 80-character limit in
> Serious issues:
> ===============
> (1) The code is hard to edit with common text editors
You mention vi; most distros provide vim these days.
In my .vimrc, I have:
set ai
set si
That helps a bit.
> (2) Grepping the code is unreliable
Reviewers (at least in my part of the kernel) have been
requesting that user-visible (and thus developer greppable)
output be combined on one line precisely for this reason.
We've been rejecting patches that unnecessarily break up these
strings at 80 cols.
> But some maintainers take output of the script
> dogmatically, requiring that every new work must pass the
> script without a warning.
This is the real problem. And I think the solution is to lobby
your maintainer.
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