Re: [PATCH 0/9] pci: update pci bridge resource to get more bigrange for devices under it - v13
From: Alex Chiang
Date: Wed Dec 16 2009 - 16:12:14 EST
Hi Yinghai,
* Jesse Barnes <jbarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> >
> > -v13: change resource_list to resource_list_x, to save size and flags
> > aside, otherwise grandchild res will get confused with son's res as
> > could be used
One difficulty that I have in reviewing is the multiple patch
revisions buried deep within a thread.
Blame my small brain for not being able to keep track of all
the revision-as-mail-responses in one coherent body of work.
> Patches 4-6 make me the most nervous, since they have the potential of
> really changing our resource allocation (hopefully for the better) on
> many platforms.
> Linus, can you check them out and see if you're ok with the direction?
> Patches 7-9 seem like they've recieved some review from Alex and
> Kenji-san, but I don't see acks or reviewed-bys on them.
> Alex and Kenji-san, are you ok with them assuming the previous patches
> or something like them go upstream?
Can you please repost your next revision (after taking Jesse's
review comments) in a new thread?
Thank you.
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