Re: [PATCH] Kbuild: set LC_MESSAGES=C (as LC_CTYPE=C is)

From: Roland Dreier
Date: Sat Dec 26 2009 - 02:03:42 EST

> > Seems unfortunate to lose localized error messages. (Although in my
> > en_US.UTF-8 case, all I get is non-ASCII quote characters)

> The whole problem is that for some people we lose *all* messages. This
> seems all very strange to me at all, but I guess it tweaks some internal
> detail inside the glibc message library, sigh.

I just meant that people used to be able to get localized error messages
by setting LANG or whatever. And now they're stuck with ASCII english.

> > This all started because of the awk invocation in arch/x86/lib. Maybe
> > the best idea would be to confine the locale monkeying to that one
> > place?

> Except that sed, etc. and even the shell itself have the same class of
> problems. Perl doesn't, since it has saner rules for how regular
> expressions handle ranges.

But pretty much everyone on a modern distro has had a UTF8 locale for
quite a while. And as far as I know there have been no problems caused
by collation order or anything else. So this change to always build in
the C locale is just worrying about theoretical problems.

Anyway, not a big deal I guess.

- R.
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