2.6.33-rc8 regression on i915: resume from hibernate locks up every 2nd time

From: Pedro Ribeiro
Date: Wed Feb 17 2010 - 13:47:16 EST


commit 84b79f8d2882b0a84330c04839ed4d3cefd2ff77 (drm/i915: Fix crash
while aborting hibernation) introduced two new issues which were not
present in 2.6.33-rc7:

- every second resume from hibernate results in a blank screen
- the annoying flash at the end of atomic copy/restore during the
hibernate process is back (present in kernels < 2.6.33)

The first issue is serious, the second is just an annoyance.

Reverting this commit fixes both issues.

My platform is Lenovo T400, G45 chipset.

lspci is attached, please let me know if you need more info.


Attachment: lspci
Description: Binary data