Re: change in sched cpu_power causing regressions with SCHED_MC
From: Peter Zijlstra
Date: Fri Feb 19 2010 - 14:48:15 EST
On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 10:36 -0800, Suresh Siddha wrote:
> exec/fork balance is not broken. i.e., during exec/fork we balance the
> load equally among sockets/cores etc. What is broken is:
> a) In SMT case, once we end up in a situation where both the threads of
> the core are busy , with another core completely idle, load balance is
> not moving one of the threads to the idle core. This unbalanced
> situation can happen because of a previous wake-up decision and/or
> threads on other core went to sleep/died etc. Once we end up in this
> unbalanced situation, we continue in that state with out fixing it.
> b) Similar to "a", this is MC case where we end up four cores busy in
> one socket with other 4 cores in another socket completely idle. And
> this is the situation which we are trying to solve in this patch.
> In your above example, we test mostly fork/exec balance but not the
> above sleep/wakeup scenarios.
Ah, indeed. Let me extend my script to cover that.
The below script does indeed show a change, but the result still isn't
perfect, when I do ./show-loop 8, it starts 8 loops nicely spread over 2
sockets, the difference is that all 4 remaining would stay on socket 0,
the patched kernel gets 1 over to socket 1.
NR=$1; shift
killall loop
ps -deo pid,sgi_p,cmd | grep loop | grep bash | while read pid cpu cmd; do
SOCKET=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${cpu}/topology/physical_package_id`
CORE=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${cpu}/topology/core_id`
SIBLINGS=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${cpu}/topology/thread_siblings_list`
printf "loop-%05d on CPU: %02d SOCKET: %02d CORE: %02d THREADS: ${SIBLINGS} " $pid $cpu $SOCKET $CORE
if [ $SOCKET -eq $KILL ]; then
kill $pid;
printf "(killed)"
printf "\n"
trap cleanup SIGINT
echo "starting loops..."
for ((i=0; i<NR; i++)) ; do
./loop &
sleep 1;
echo "killing those on socket 1..."
echo ""
show_each_loop 1
echo ""
echo "watching load-balance work..."
echo ""
while sleep 1 ; do
show_each_loop -1 | sort | awk '{socket[$6]++; th[$8 + (256*$6)]++; print $0}
END { for (i in socket) { print "socket-" i ": " socket[i]; }
for (i in th) { if (th[i] > 1) { print "thread-" int(i/256)"/"(i%256) ": " th[i]; } } }'
echo ""
echo "-------------------"
echo ""
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