Re: [PATCH 6/7] HID: N-trig MTM Driver fix And cleanup patch 6

From: Rafi Rubin
Date: Mon Mar 08 2010 - 20:20:37 EST

static const struct hid_device_id ntrig_devices[] = {
- .driver_data = NTRIG_DUPLICATE_USAGES },
+ .driver_data = NTRIG_USB_DEVICE_ID },

The vendor and device id are in the first field "HID_USB_DEVICE", driver data is for flags, not id. Its merely a coincidence that they are the same in this case.

The duplicate usages tells hid to let you have more than one "x" and "y" axis. Otherwise each finger gets a new set (the second finger gets "z" and "rx" and so on).

static int __init ntrig_init(void)
+ info("N-trig Driver Version 1.6\n");

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