Re: ATA 4 KiB sector issues.
From: Kevin Easton
Date: Tue Mar 16 2010 - 23:01:25 EST
James Bottomley wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 00:20 +0900, Tejun Heo wrote:
> > Well, the thing is that
> >
> > * Anything remotely modern (>= XP) doesn't give a hoot about cylinder
> > alignment.
> >
> > * Anything older (<= 2000) is very likely to get confused with custom
> > geometry starting from the BIOS itself. For those cases, the only
> > thing we can do is aligning partitions to cylinders abiding BIOS
> > supplied geometry parameters which will usually be 255/63.
> >
> > So, using custom geometry doesn't help compatibility at all.
> Our partitioning tool still obey the integral cylinder rule ... we can
> argue about whether they should, but what we need is a strategy for
> fixing what is rather than what should be.
James / Tejun,
Can't we fix the problem by defaulting to aligning partitions to
start on an LBA that is a multiple of 64260 ?
Such partitions will always be 4KiB-aligned, *and* start-of-cylinder
aligned (assuming 255/63, as seems to be the norm).
Sure, that reduces your partition granularity to almost-32-MiB, but
that's pretty small potatoes these days (and it's only a *default*, so
you could always override that if you really cared, and didn't need
the compatibility).
- Kevin
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