Re: Possible bug in eeepc-laptop.c - EeePC 900
From: Corentin Chary
Date: Wed Mar 17 2010 - 04:22:52 EST
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Fabio Comolli <fabio.comolli@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi.
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Corentin Chary
> <corentin.chary@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Fabio Comolli <fabio.comolli@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Well, I'm confused.
>>> I rebooted with the "vanilla" eeepc-laptop.c and I'm sorry to say that
>>> the situation it's not like the one I described in the post I wrote 2
>>> days ago. Actually the situation with the patch reverted is the same I
>>> have with the patch applied.
>>> What I mean is that if I boot on AC power /proc/cpuinfo always reports
>>> 900MHz and 1800 bogomips. It I boot on battery /proc/cpuinfo always
>>> reports 630MHz and 1260 bogomips. Plugging / unplugging the AC does
>>> not change the situation. Only reboot does.
>>> But the cpufv interface does indeed seem to work, as glxgears and
>>> stellarium show the frame rate change accordingly to the powersave /
>>> performance selection.
>>> So my question is: what does really the cpufv interface do? Is it
>>> supposed to change the processor frequency? Or does it change
>>> something else?
>>> And if the answer to the latest question is affirmative, why
>>> /proc/cpuinfo seems to ignore it?
>>> Sorry for the confusion.
>>> Regards,
>>> Fabio
>> Here is what I can read in your DSDT:
>> When INIT or _Q31 is called, the bios check the the battery is
>> present, and call FSBA(0) or FSBA(1).
>> _Q31 seems to be called by an hotkey, could you run "acpi_listen" and
>> search the hotkey that generate 0x50 or 0x51 ?
> This is the output requested.
> hotkey ATKD 0000002e 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 0000002f 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000030 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000012 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000013 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000014 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000015 00000000
> hotkey ATKD 00000010 00000000
> button/sleep SLPB 00000080 00000001
> hotkey ATKD 00000010 00000001
None of thesed generate 0x50 or 0x51, may be somehting else :/
Corentin Chary
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