Re: [PATCH] net/wireless/libertas: do not call wiphy_unregister() w/o wiphy_register()
From: Holger Schurig
Date: Tue Mar 30 2010 - 06:58:45 EST
> I don't get your point. The patch I submitted fixes an Ooops in the
> driver, due to wrong handling of an API. What does that have to do with
> principle discussions about the frameworks in use?
I asked if there is a better method, and you said that you would test a better
solution. That means that someone else should make a better solution.
I just pointed out that I won't be the one who creates the better solution,
because for fundamental reasons I don't see the libertas+cfg80211 approach
going forward. That issue has nothing to do with you or your patch, so please
don't feel offended or confused.
Basically, I neither ack nor nak you patch. Given that it fixes an oops the
patch should go in, and probably to stable at well. I just gave a hint, to
make you think if you could come up with something better.
BTW, testing/fixing of failure paths in libertas as well as simplifying the
call sequence of functions during initialisation could be quite useful.
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