Re: my KDE-4.4.2 Battery Monitor ppplet dislikes the ACPI changes in 2.6.34-rc3 betweeen f5284e7..cf90bfe
From: Toralf Förster
Date: Thu Apr 08 2010 - 12:17:41 EST
Toralf Förster wrote at 18:12:09
> because now it tells me that my ThinkPad T400 has 0 cpus and 0 batteries
> ...
tfoerste@n22 ~/tmp $ grep "ACPI E" dmesg-2.6.34-rc3-00406-gcf90bfe
ACPI Error: Null Object! Obj=(null) State=f676bc00 Num=0
ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC__.GBIF] (Node f70d4e28), AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC__.BAT0._BIF] (Node f70d4d60), AE_BAD_PARAMETER
ACPI Exception: AE_BAD_PARAMETER, Evaluating _BIF (20100121/battery-405)
thinkpad_acpi: ThinkPad ACPI Extras v0.24
Toralf Förster
pgp finger print: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2 8936 872A E508 7DB6 9DA3
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