Re: [PATCH 2.6.34-rc4 2/8] mxc: Update GPIO for USB support onFreescale MX51 Babbage HW
From: Sascha Hauer
Date: Wed Apr 14 2010 - 02:34:31 EST
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:10:25AM -0500, Dinh.Nguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> From: Dinh Nguyen <Dinh.Nguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> This patch is part of enabling USB for Freescale MX51 Babbage HW. This
> patch updates the iomux pins for USB, and gpio line for reset the
> USB hub on the MX51 Babbage HW.
> This patch applies to 2.6.34-rc4.
> /*
> * The naming convention for the pad modes is MX51_PAD_<padname>__<padmode>
> @@ -208,18 +214,19 @@ typedef enum iomux_config {
> #define MX51_PAD_KEY_COL3__KEY_COL3 IOMUX_PAD(0x658, 0x268, 0, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> #define MX51_PAD_KEY_COL4__KEY_COL4 IOMUX_PAD(0x65C, 0x26C, 0, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> #define MX51_PAD_KEY_COL5__KEY_COL5 IOMUX_PAD(0x660, 0x270, 0, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_25__USBH1_CLK IOMUX_PAD(0x678, 0x278, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_26__USBH1_DIR IOMUX_PAD(0x67C, 0x27C, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_27__USBH1_STP IOMUX_PAD(0x680, 0x280, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_28__USBH1_NXT IOMUX_PAD(0x684, 0x284, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_11__USBH1_DATA0 IOMUX_PAD(0x688, 0x288, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_12__USBH1_DATA1 IOMUX_PAD(0x68C, 0x28C, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_13__USBH1_DATA2 IOMUX_PAD(0x690, 0x290, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_14__USBH1_DATA3 IOMUX_PAD(0x694, 0x294, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_15__USBH1_DATA4 IOMUX_PAD(0x698, 0x298, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_16__USBH1_DATA5 IOMUX_PAD(0x69C, 0x29C, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_17__USBH1_DATA6 IOMUX_PAD(0x6A0, 0x2A0, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> -#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_18__USBH1_DATA7 IOMUX_PAD(0x6A4, 0x2A4, 2, 0x0, 0, NO_PAD_CTRL)
> +#define MX51_PAD_GPIO_1_25__USBH1_CLK IOMUX_PAD(0x678, 0x278, IOMUX_CONFIG_ALT0, 0x0, 0, MX51_USBH1_PAD_CTRL)
The naming convention is MX51_PAD_<padname>__<function> with padname
being the name in the datasheet, so this pad should be named
MX51_PAD_USBH1_CLK__USBH1_CLK, or if used as gpio
MX51_PAD_USBH1_CLK__GPIO_1_25. This is not your fault, it was wrong
before and I haven't recognized it. We should fix this before these
definitions actually get used.
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