Re: [linux-pm] [PATCH 0/8] Suspend block api (version 8)
From: Vitaly Wool
Date: Wed May 26 2010 - 07:23:21 EST
2010/5/26 Arve Hjønnevåg <arve@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Fixing the actually issue means fixing all user-space code, and
> replacing most x86 hardware. I don't think keeping this feature out of
> the kernel will significantly accelerate this.
But if this feature gets merged, I bet you'll find another 100 reasons
to not fix the actual issue. I wouldn't say so if you haven't provided
the irrelevant points already, like "replacing x86 hardware". You're
trying to merge the approach which makes the bad way of handing things
the easiest way. This shouldn't get in as it is IMO.
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