Re: [v5 Patch 1/3] netpoll: add generic support for bridge and bondingdevices
From: Cong Wang
Date: Tue Jun 01 2010 - 05:54:31 EST
On 06/01/10 03:08, Flavio Leitner wrote:
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 01:56:52PM +0800, Cong Wang wrote:
Hi, Flavio,
Please use the attached patch instead, try to see if it solves
all your problems.
I tried and it hangs. No backtraces this time.
The bond_change_active_slave() prints before NETDEV_BONDING_FAILOVER
notification, so I think it won't work.
Ah, I thought the same.
Please, correct if I'm wrong, but when a failover happens with your
patch applied, the netconsole would be disabled forever even with
another healthy slave, right?
Yes, this is an easy solution, because bonding has several modes,
it is complex to make netpoll work in different modes.
Would you like to test the following patch?
Thanks much!
diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c
index 5e12462..59ade92 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c
@@ -1109,6 +1109,14 @@ void bond_change_active_slave(struct bonding *bond, struct slave *new_active)
if (old_active == new_active)
+ write_unlock_bh(&bond->curr_slave_lock);
+ read_unlock(&bond->lock);
+ netdev_bonding_change(bond->dev, NETDEV_BONDING_DESLAVE);
+ read_lock(&bond->lock);
+ write_lock_bh(&bond->curr_slave_lock);
if (new_active) {
new_active->jiffies = jiffies;