Re: [PATCHv3 07/11] USB: gadget: g_multi: added documentation and INF files
From: Xiaofan Chen
Date: Wed Jun 02 2010 - 10:06:38 EST
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Michal Nazarewicz
<m.nazarewicz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> +**** Customising the gadget
> +
> +If you intend to hack the g_multi gadget be advised that rearranging
> +functions will obviously change interface numbers for each of the
> +functionality. As an effect provided INFs won't work since they have
> +interface numbers hard-coded in them (it's not hard to change those
> +though).
Probably you can show an example of how to add the "&MI_mm"
to the VID/PID.
A good reference here:
> +This also means, that after experimenting with g_multi and changing
> +provided functions one should change gadget's vendor and/or product ID
> +so there will be no collision with other customised gadgets or the
> +original gadget.
> +
> +Failing to comply may cause brain damage after wondering for hours why
> +things don't work as intended before realising Windows have cached
> +some drivers information (changing USB port may sometimes help).
> +
This is indeed quite true. However, you may not need to really change
the VID/PID (it will work but not necessary) if you use the nice
usbdeview utility to remove the phantom USB device.
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