[ANNOUNCE]: Persistent Reservations implemented for SCST, iSCSI-SCSTand Fibre Channel qla2x00t
From: Vladislav Bolkhovitin
Date: Fri Jun 04 2010 - 16:11:37 EST
We are pleased to announce that a full set of SCSI Persistent
Reservations commands implemented for SCST, iSCSI-SCST and Fibre Channel
qla2x00t drivers and available for download from the SCST SVN.
Persistent Reservations commands allow to use iSCSI-SCST and qla2x00t in
cluster environments like Windows 2008 or RHEL clustering (for I/O fencing).
Hopefully, before 2.0 release other SCST target drivers will be updated
to support Persistent Reservations as well.
SCST is a most advanced and high performance SCSI target subsystem for
Linux. SCST allows creation of sophisticated storage devices from any
Linux box. Home page of SCST is http://scst.sourceforge.net.
ISCSI-SCST is a relatively new, but already most advanced and high
performance iSCSI target for Linux. Home page of iSCSI-SCST is
Qla2x00t is a Fibre Channel target driver for QLogic qla2xxx adapters.
Home page of qla2x00t is http://scst.sourceforge.net/target_qla2x00t.html.
You can download SCST SVN by command:
$ svn co https://scst.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scst/trunk
Also we would like to announce intermediate version 2.0-rc2 of the SCST
suit. Version 2.0-rc2 means that all the main changes for upcoming 2.0
release finished and no more processing path changes are planned to be
done before release. All the left to be done changes are going to fix
only some outstanding problems in the internals of the SCST management
interfaces. Hopefully, the work will be finished in a week-two.
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