Re: [PATCH] Staging: dt3155: fix coding style issues in dt3155_drv.c
From: Aldo Cedillo
Date: Thu Jul 08 2010 - 12:31:50 EST
> I believe that you will find both of the following styles in abundance
> and that both are acceptable.
> /*
> * This
> * is a multi-line comment
> */
> And
> /* This
> * is a also multi-line comment
> */
> Though one may be more acceptable to a given maintainer than the other.
> Other variants may also be common and acceptable to some maintainers,
> which I suspect is why is lenient.
:S , so I believe both are correct... as you stated this doesn't help
to make a single
tool to check. Well thanks for the comment.
Aldo Brett
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