Re: [PATCHv8 2.6.35-rc4-tip 11/12] perf: perf interface foruprobes
From: Srikar Dronamraju
Date: Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:49:43 EST
Hi Christoph,
> > Here is a terminal snapshot of placing, using and removing a probe on a
> > process with pid 3591 (corresponding to zsh)
> Btw, I think this interface is not the most the best one for typical
> uses cases. To make perf probe support more useful we'll need at least
> a way to create a probe in all intances of a given binary/DSO, and
> a way to run a binary with pre-defined breakpoints.
Yes Peter had already asked for this and we have it in plan.
These are listed in the todos I listed corresponding to file based
- Allowing probes per-executable/per dso.
- Allowing probes across fork.
I have some thoughts on how to achieve these.
However I am not sure which items I should work first
- file based probes or on
- automatically trigger perf uprobes on high overhead functions
that Ingo suggested.
I am not too clear on later so I might as well start thinking on file
based probes.
Thanks and Regards
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