Re: [PATCHv9 2.6.35-rc4-tip 10/13] perf: Re-Add make_absolute_path
From: Srikar Dronamraju
Date: Mon Jul 12 2010 - 13:35:53 EST
> > Actually we dont need to convert malloc@xxxxxxxxxxx to a
> > malloc@/lib/ Because we can match the shortname of the dso.
> Humm, I see, it is path based, so the first that appears in
> the LD_LIBRARY_PATH equivalent used in this code will be user, is that
> right?
No, As you might have got it by reading patch 11. I am trying to
reuse the thread/session elements and walk thro the maps in the
map_groups. So I dont need to bother on LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> I.e. if I'm testing some new that provides, say, private
> futexes while the one in my distro still doesn't have this feature, I'll
> have to specify the absolute name or make sure it is before the system's
> in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, right?
We get to the right one, as we walk the list of dsos in the
threadlist. But we have an option of either giving a correct full path
or the shortname for the dso without any path. However right now the
shortname has to be unique i.e I cant use malloc@libc instead of
malloc@xxxxxxxxxxxx I would think specifying full path will be the most
probable usage case. However if a person refers /proc/<pid>/maps,
specifying shortnames should also be easy.
> > Problem will occur when users specifies a full path of the file.
> > Since the file can refer to a symbolic link and the dso will have just
> > the short name or the target file name. Here I am using
> > make_absolute_path to resolve to the target file.
> > Now we can then either check on dso full names or short names.
> > I have chosen to use the short name.
> Humm, so what you want is one of:
> realpath - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
> canonicalize_file_name - return the canonicalized filename
> Can you please check the man pages for both before we decide
> re-introducing make_absolute_path?
right, realpath is right choice, I will use it instead of this patch.
Thanks and Regards
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