rt2x00: slow wifi with correct basic rate bitmap (was Re: stable?quality assurance?)
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Tue Jul 13 2010 - 08:50:39 EST
Alejandro Riveira Fernández wrote:
> I for one stopped booting into -rc kernels.
> The fact that still have to patch my kernels with a *one* liner
> since 2.6.29 kernel [1] does not give me confidence on the "test
> report/bisect and it will be fixed" promise some have made in this
> threath
> [1] https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13362
There were promises made in this thread? Then I must have read a
different mailinglist or so.
I do not know why your WLAN regression has not been fixed yet, but at
least it seems rather plausible why commit
7e0986c17f695952ce5d61ed793ce048ba90a661 is not going to be reverted (if
such a revert is the one-liner that you are referring to).
Why is one reporter's rt2500 OK now though but not yours? Are there
different card revisions or firmwares out there that require quirk handling?
Stefan Richter
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