Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] ux500: add ab8500-regulators machine specificdata
From: Sundar R IYER
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 12:10:01 EST
> OK, you're missing the point here. The system constraints say what's
> going to be used on this actual system not what an individual component
> is capable of supporting. Regulators are almost always vastly more
> flexible than any system can use and so the constraints are used to tell
> the regulator core what configurations can be used on a given system.
> You need to check what makes sense on the system for the things that are
> connected.
> For *all* supplies?
Yes. whatever supplies I have listed here all can be enabled/disabled by
their consumers. Sorry to ask, but please help me to understand the
emphasis of the question. There are other supplies, which are controlled
outside the kernel and so I haven't exposed them here.
> Again, you need to think about what's actually hooked up. Permission to
> do any of this stuff depends heavily on the set of consumers that are
> actually hooked up - think about the example I mentioned above where
> some of the consumers on a shared supply are hooked up and doing enables
> and disables, for example. What happens when they cause the supply to
> be disabled but another consumer is running?
Again, sorry to ask(this is confusing :() - but isn't this managed by
the core? It is the core's responsibility to effectively disable a
supply when none of the consumers are using it; and to block a disable
even when a single consumer is still using it.
For eg, all the audio digital and analog supplies listed here can be
disabled/enabled by the consumer. Same goes for the VAUXn peripheral
supplies, which have shared consumers running at the same voltages.
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