Re: [PATCH] enable readback to get HPET working on ATI SB4x00,kernel 2.6.35_rc5
From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 14:32:37 EST
From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 02:17:27PM -0400
> > I'll try to find out which chipsets are actually affected but in the
> > meantime we might want to do a temporary fix by enabling the readback
> > back(!) on all ATI chipsets so that we don't uncover anymore bugs like
> > the one above, hmmm?
> That sounds like the right solution for now, yes. Rather than make
> the readback quirk depend on one particular SMBUS revision, make it
> happen unconditionally for an AMD northbridge (or is the HPET in the
> SB?
Yeah, its in the southbridge which is part of the chipset. Actually
we'll have to somehow match ATI chipsets only since we have also nVidia
chipsets with AMD cpus in them.
/me goes to meditate a little about it.
> I forget - somebody who knows the details and can test it on a
> machine or two should do the actual patch).
I'll try to cook up something unless someone beats me to it.
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