Re: Raise initial congestion window size / speedup slow start?
From: Ed W
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 19:05:54 EST
On 15/07/2010 00:01, Hagen Paul Pfeifer wrote:
It is quite late here so I will quickly write two sentence about ECN: one
month ago Lars Eggers posted a link at the tcpm maillinglist where google (not
really sure if it was google) analysed the employment of ECN - the usage was
really low. Search the PDF, it is quite interesting one.
I would speculate that this is because there is a big warning on ECN
saying that it may cause you to loose customers who can't connect to
you... Businesses are driven by needing to support the most common case,
not the most optimal (witness the pain of html development and needing
to consider IE6...)
What would be more useful is for google to survey how many devices are
unable to interoperate with ECN and if that number turned out to be
extremely low, and this fact were advertised, then I suspect we might
see a mass increase in it's deployment? I know I have it turned off on
all my servers because I worry more about loosing one customer than
improving the experience for all customers...
Ed W
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