Re: [patch 1/2] x86_64 page fault NMI-safe
From: Mathieu Desnoyers
Date: Thu Jul 15 2010 - 12:44:59 EST
* Linus Torvalds (torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Linus Torvalds
> <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > I think the %rip check should be pretty simple - exactly because there
> > is only a single point where the race is open between that 'mov' and
> > the 'iret'. So it's simpler than the (similar) thing we do for
> > debug/nmi stack fixup for sysenter that has to check a range.
> So this is what I think it might look like, with the %rip in place.
> And I changed the "nmi_stack_ptr" thing to have both the pointer and a
> flag - because it turns out that in the single-instruction race case,
> we actually want the old pointer.
> Totally untested, of course. But _something_ like this might work:
> #
> # Two per-cpu variables: a "are we nested" flag (one byte), and
> # a "if we're nested, what is the %rsp for the nested case".
> #
> # The reason for why we can't just clear the saved-rsp field and
> # use that as the flag is that we actually want to know the saved
> # rsp for the special case of having a nested NMI happen on the
> # final iret of the unnested case.
> #
> nmi:
> cmpb $0,%__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_nesting
> jne nmi_nested_corrupt_and_return
> cmpq $nmi_iret_address,0(%rsp)
> je nmi_might_be_nested
> # create new stack
> is_unnested_nmi:
> # Save some space for nested NMI's. The exception itself
> # will never use more space, but it might use less (since
> # if will be a kernel-kernel transition). But the nested
> # exception will want two save registers and a place to
> # save the original CS that it will corrupt
> subq $64,%rsp
> # copy the five words of stack info. 96 = 64 + stack
> # offset of ss.
> pushq 96(%rsp) # ss
> pushq 96(%rsp) # rsp
> pushq 96(%rsp) # eflags
> pushq 96(%rsp) # cs
> pushq 96(%rsp) # rip
> # and set the nesting flags
> movq %rsp,%__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_ptr
> movb $0xff,%__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_nesting
> regular_nmi_code:
> ...
> # regular NMI code goes here, and can take faults,
> # because this sequence now has proper nested-nmi
> # handling
> ...
> nmi_exit:
> movb $0,%__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_nesting
The first thing that strikes me is that we could be interrupted by a standard
interrupt on top of the iret instruction below. This interrupt handler could in
turn be interrupted by a NMI, so the NMI handler would not know that it is
nested over nmi_iret_address. Maybe we could simply disable interrupts
explicitly at the beginning of the handler, so they get re-enabled by iret below
upon return from nmi ?
Doing that would ensure that only NMIs can interrupt us.
I'll look a bit more at the code and come back with more comments if things come
> nmi_iret_address:
> iret
> # The saved rip points to the final NMI iret, after we've cleared
> # nmi_stack_ptr. Check the CS segment to make sure.
> nmi_might_be_nested:
> cmpw $__KERNEL_CS,8(%rsp)
> jne is_unnested_nmi
> # This is the case when we hit just as we're supposed to do the final
> # iret of a previous nmi. We run the NMI using the old return address
> # that is still on the stack, rather than copy the new one that is bogus
> # and points to where the nested NMI interrupted the original NMI
> # handler!
> # Easy: just reset the stack pointer to the saved one (this is why
> # we use a separate "valid" flag, so that we can still use the saved
> # stack pointer)
> movq %__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_ptr,%rsp
> jmp regular_nmi_code
> # This is the actual nested case. Make sure we fault on iret by setting
> # CS to zero and saving the old CS. %rax contains the stack pointer to
> # the original code.
> nmi_nested_corrupt_and_return:
> pushq %rax
> pushq %rdx
> movq %__percpu_seg:nmi_stack_ptr,%rax
> movq 8(%rax),%rdx # CS of original NMI
> testq %rdx,%rdx # CS already zero?
> je nmi_nested_and_already_corrupted
> movq %rdx,40(%rax) # save old CS away
> movq $0,8(%rax)
> nmi_nested_and_already_corrupted:
> popq %rdx
> popq %rax
> popfq
> jmp *(%rsp)
> Hmm?
> Linus
Mathieu Desnoyers
Operating System Efficiency R&D Consultant
EfficiOS Inc.
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