[RFC] Enhance dev_ioctl to return <hwaddr>:<if_name::if_index> mapping
From: Loke, Chetan
Date: Thu Jul 15 2010 - 19:10:04 EST
Hello All,
LKML Post:
This proposal will provide the ability to shoot an 'ioctl' via an 'ethX'
agnostic naming scheme.
R1)Ability to address NICs/interfaces using a mac-addr in ioctls. This
is required because we don't have a consistent naming scheme for
Ethernet devices.
Asking customers and/or field-engineers to change udev rules and
other config files is not feasible.
Existing pain-points:
P1) ioctl needs either i) if-name or ii) if-index before we can invoke
bind() etc.
This works fine if you know your configuration and it is not going
to change.
However,if we hot-add a NIC and if you have adapters from multiple
vendors(think:driver load order) then upon a reboot,
the 'eth' interfaces can be re-mapped.
Existing work-around(s):
W1) user-apps scan /sys/class/net/ethX/address nodes, grep the hw-addrs
till they find a hwaddr-match and then internally create a hwaddr-ethX
mapping table.
W2) change udev-70..persistent rules file and 'rename' the interfaces
according to your needs.
W2.1) If renaming were to even succeed then none of the existing
drivers re-register their msix-vectors.
NETDEV_RENAME(or _CHANGE ) handler in the driver does not tear down
the interrupts etc.
Some of the sample msix-vectors are as follows : ethX-rx-0,
ethX-rx-1 ... ethX-rx-N
So if the interface is renamed then how do we measure/correlate the
But there is no programmatic way of deriving the 'ethX' name. I got a
few offline replies to the above post, asking me to continue using W1)
from above.
Sorry but that was an ugly hack. Also why not replace the get-ioctls to
a 'sys' read everywhere?? ;).
S1) Introduce a new ioctl(SIOCGHWADDR_TO_IFNAMEINDEX_MAP[or pick your
S1.1) Enhance dev_ioctl to handle this new case.
S1.2 Re-use for_each_netdev_rcu::is_etherdev_addr(this will iterate
through dev_addrs).
By using the above for_each loop we don't need to re-invent the
Input(ifr->hw_addr) : output -> if_name and if_index if ifr->hw_addr is
This way an app can first shoot down an ioctl(sock_fd,
SIOCGHWADDR_TO_IFNAMEINDEX_MAP,ifr), where ifr.ifr_hwaddr is populated
w/ the mac_addr whose mapping you would like.
Then once the if_name and if_index is known, using other ioctls is easy.
Please review the proposal and the sample code below. If this is not a
good approach and if there is a simple workaround then please let me
Chetan Loke
Sample code(PS- I used a quick and dirty driver to demonstrate the
concept rather than modifying the kernel)
Copyright NetScout Systems
Chetan Loke <loke.c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
struct foo {
char name[IFNAMSIZ];
int index;
/* shamelessly copied from compare_etherdev */
/* eventually is_etherdev_equal will be called by dev_ioctl */
int ntct_is_etherdev_equal(u16 *a,u16 *b) {
return ((a[0] ^ b[0]) | (a[1] ^ b[1]) | (a[2] ^ b[2])) == 0;
/* eventually enhance dev_ioctl */
int _do_ioctl(unsigned long arg) {
struct foo my_foo;
struct net_device *dev;
int ret=0;
int found=0;
int i=0;
/* eventually sent via
ioctl(sock_fd)->SIOCG_HWADDR_TO_NAMEIDX_MAP and ifr->hw_addr */
unsigned char mac_addr[]={0x00,0x50,0x56,0xBB,0x52,0xF7};
/* eventually use rcu_read_lock(); */
/* 2.6.31 doesn't have this defined. eventually use
for_each_netdev_rcu. */
for_each_netdev(&init_net, dev) {
/* eventually use is_etherdev_addr(addr1,addr2) */
ret = ntct_is_etherdev_equal((u16 *)dev->dev_addr,(u16
if (ret) {
printk("<%s> Found eth-if:%s
for (i=0;i<ETH_ALEN;i++)
char)dev->dev_addr[i],((i < 5)? ':':' '));
/* eventually use rcu_read_unlock(); */
if (!found) {
printk("<%s> hwaddr<->name mapping not
return -EINVAL;
return copy_to_user((char *)arg,&my_foo,sizeof(struct foo)) ?
-EFAULT : 0;
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