[ANNOUNCE] mtdev v1.0.8 -- Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
From: Henrik Rydberg
Date: Sun Aug 01 2010 - 20:04:51 EST
mtdev - Multitouch Protocol Translation Library (MIT license)
The mtdev library is a kernel input event stream translator, which greatly
simplifies multitouch device driver testing as well as handling in applications.
The input events are simply routed through mtdev, which transforms them to a
uniform stream of MT slot events. Software finger tracking is performed when
needed, making all devices appear as if they had tracking capabilities. For
further details and the source git tree, see
The v1.0.8 release contains a number of packaging fixes, and one header file
change needed for the 2.6.36 release, when MT slots appear in the kernel.
Henrik Rydberg
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