Re: PC Beeps not working with HDA Intel module
From: Shérab
Date: Tue Aug 03 2010 - 07:41:14 EST
Hi again Daniel & all,
> Ok, this patch works for me; I've modified it with the ground-truth we
> have (thus there are likely other codecs to fix up later). Shérab, can
> you test from your end?
Yeah it works perfectly, thanks !
One other question: the PC Beep controller in Alsa can take only four
values: 0%, 33%, 66% and 100%. What I find strange is that even when
it's at 0%, there is a beep, whose volume seems a bit strong to me. It
becomes stronger and stronger with the other values, which is normal,
but 0% seems to be non-equivalent to muting the control, I'm wondering
whether this is normal.
I'm also a bit disapointed that this control can take only those values,
for I'd appreciate to have an even softer beep, between the current 0%
and nothing at all.
Any insight would be very appreciated.
Best wishes,
Shérab, so happy to have recovered his beloved console bell.
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