Re: Attempted summary of suspend-blockers LKML thread, take three

From: david
Date: Tue Aug 10 2010 - 14:21:25 EST

On Tue, 10 Aug 2010, Matthew Garrett wrote:

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:07:20AM -0700, david@xxxxxxx wrote:

If the primary difference between sleep and suspend is not scheduling
processes, instead of messing with oppurtinistic suspend/suspend
blockers/wakelocks/etc, why not just 'temporarily' change the timer fuzz
value to a very large value (say an hour). That would still let things
like openoffice saves ahve a fair chance to trigger before the battery
died completely, but would wake the system so infrequently that it will
be effectivly the same as a full suspend.

Because it only affects processes that sleep. It's a question of how
much pathology you want to be able to tolerate.

Standard system stats will show you hogs like this. The Android people claim that wakelock stats will let the user identify processes that prevent the system from suspending properly and then remove them. If this is the case, a process that never sleeps will be even easier to identify and even more obvious an offender.

If that isn't enough, then you can go back to the other idea I advanced, having some way to tell the system not to consider some processes when trying to decide if the system should sleep or not.

David Lang
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