Re: Attempted summary of suspend-blockers LKML thread, take three

From: Felipe Contreras
Date: Wed Aug 11 2010 - 18:03:53 EST

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Brian Swetland <swetland@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Felipe Contreras
> <felipe.contreras@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Now, only Android has decided to use suspend blockers, that's a
>> *fact*, and I wanted to narrow the discussion to Android in order to
>> make it easier to understand that Android doesn't need suspend
>> blockers, once we have agreed that, then I'd gladly discuss it's
>> merits outside Android.
> On behalf of the Android folks, we don't agree with this. ÂIf you're
> going to wait until we suddenly change our minds, I think you're going
> to be in for a long wait.

I'm sure as a team that's the case, but you can't know what's in the
mind of everyone at Google (not Android).

>> I argued to you that suspend-blockers are not required in Android, and
>> suddenly you decide we should agree to disagree without arguing back?
>> Well, suit yourself. I still maintain that suspend-blockers is just an
>> expensive workaround, and in some cases actually degrades power
>> consumption; the right solution is much more sophisticated.
> Once "the right solution" exists and solves our problems, we'll
> certainly look into switching over to it. ÂI've yet to see a proposal
> in all this arguing that appears to me to be an improvement over what
> we have today with suspend blockers. ÂI find the "don't do what you're
> doing because someday, somebody will do it better" to be an
> uncompelling argument.

That was not an argument, it was an opinion. If you want an argument
go back to read this one:

> Given your opinion that Android lacks multitasking (what? really?)

This is what I'm talking about when I say multi-tasking, Android
certainly doesn't have anything remotely like that:

Felipe Contreras
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