Re: Attempted summary of suspend-blockers LKML thread, take three

From: Brian Swetland
Date: Thu Aug 12 2010 - 13:33:14 EST

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Felipe Contreras
<felipe.contreras@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Correct, but still a considerable amount of changes would need to be
> done, which _nobody_ has expressed any intention to do.
> Besides, IMO a good mobile platform would share as much as possible
> with desktop software. Say, the improvements Nokia has endorsed on the
> Telepathy IM framework can only help the people already using it on
> the desktop.
> However, personally, if I ever have to do './configure
> --enable-suspend-blockers', I would think that something that just
> doesn't belong has creped by to user-space. I don't see why there
> should something particularly different between mobile phones and
> laptops, and I think this has been already expressed over, and over.

So, because you feel that phones should be little laptops you oppose
providing (optional!) support for environments that take a different
view to that?

I'll echo Ted's question -- is this the opinion of the kernel
community at large? If so, there's not much point in continuing to
have discussions around suspend blockers.

I think that we're still a ways away from a world where we can treat
mobile devices the same as laptops and get reasonable user
experiences. I think it's unfortunate if the attitude here is "wait
and someday it won't matter", especially because I'm skeptical that
we're likely to hit that "someday" any time soon.

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