Re: [PATCH 7/9] RapidIO: Add handling for PW message from a lostdevice
From: Micha Nelissen
Date: Mon Aug 16 2010 - 08:29:45 EST
Alexandre Bounine wrote:
Add check if PW message source device is accessible and change PW message
handler to recover if PW message source device is not available anymore (power
down or link disconnect).
I am not quite sure what the point is of this patch. What do you need to
recover from?
To avoid possible loss of notification, the PW message handler scans the route
back from the source device to identify end of the broken link.
Do you mean if port-writes are dropped? Then they did not reach you in
the first place. If a link in between is broken, the associated switch
will 'complain' and send port-writes, no?
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