Inotify doesn't detect splice system call?

From: Oussama El Mfadli
Date: Mon Aug 16 2010 - 15:44:15 EST

I'm currently monitoring file open and modification with inotify. The
tool works perfectly went the file is modify by using a write system
call. But now, I'm using the splice system call to benefit from the
zero-copy mechanism.

The files are perfectly modified, but inotify system call doesn't
detect it. In the read_write.c file, the modification is signalled by
calling "fsnotify_modify(...)" in the vfs_write function. In the file
splice.c, the function is not called when a file is written.

>From what I have understood, the inotify system call has been
integrated to the kernel in the mainline from the release 2.6.13, but
the splice system call has been included later (2.6.17).

Is it a Bug that inotify doesn't support splice() or is there some
considerations that explain it?

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