Re: Using block layer's I/O context api (block/blk-ioc.c) without CFQ.
From: Corrado Zoccolo
Date: Sat Aug 21 2010 - 17:07:42 EST
2010/8/21 Pedro EugÃnio Rocha <pedro.eugenio.rocha@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks for your reply,
> 2010/8/20 Corrado Zoccolo <czoccolo@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> 2010/8/19 Pedro EugÃnio Rocha <pedro.eugenio.rocha@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to use the generic block layer I/O context api
>>> (block/blk-ioc.c), without
>>> using cfq specific functions and structs? I'm writing an I/O scheduler
>>> for my master
>>> thesis, and I'd like to use my own functions for I/O context handling,
>>> not cfq's. Sorry
>>> if I'm missing something here.
>> Sure. I think you can get an idea by grabbing an old enough kernel
>> that still has anticipatory scheduler (if I recall correctly, 2.6.32
>> should have it), and look at its functions.
> In mainstream kernel as in 2.6.32, it's used a generic get_io_context
> function to get the current task io_context. In addition, you can create
> a function like cfq_get_io_context to implement some scheduler
> specific stuff. Oh right so far.
> But when the task is exiting there is an exit_io_context function, which
> calls put_io_context. This function calls cfq_dtor, which seems to be
> an specific cfq function, and maybe will not work with others I/O
> schedulers. My newbie question is, those block/blk-ioc.c functions
> are Âsupposed to be generic, or my scheduler should implement it's
> own?
Cfq and AS required extending the basic io_context to add per-process
statistics. Therefore, cfq_io_context and as_io_context were added to
the io_context, and proper deallocation is done when deallocating
io_context (as_io_context is deallocated via its dtor function pointer
just before calling cfq_dtor).
If your I/O scheduler requires storing some stats per process, you
have the choice of either reusing one of the existing as/cfq
io_context extensions, or define your own (and in that case, you
should add your destructor as well).
>> Or you can look at my post:
>>, where I
>> implemented a proof-of-concept I/O scheduler based on anticipatory
>> scheduler. Most of the concepts in that scheduler were later ported to
>> CFQ.
>> Do you already have a scheduling algorithm in mind? And what will be
>> your main purpose/target?
> Yes. Our main purpose is to share disk I/O bandwidth among
> processes/tasks/cgroups/whatever providing strong QoS guarantees, such
> as bandwidth, bursts and latency. It borrows many ideas from bfq and
> pClock I/O schedulers. The implementation will be just a proof-of-concept,
> not something you can use in a real environment. =)
Sounds interesting. Do you plan to have simulations before the real
implementation, and what are your reference workloads?
> Thanks for your help!
>> Thanks
>> Corrado
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pedro EugÃnio Rocha
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>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> dott. Corrado Zoccolo             mailto:czoccolo@xxxxxxxxx
>> PhD - Department of Computer Science - University of Pisa, Italy
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The self-confidence of a warrior is not the self-confidence of the average
>> man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls
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>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Tales of Power - C. Castaneda
> --
> Pedro EugÃnio Rocha
dott. Corrado Zoccolo             mailto:czoccolo@xxxxxxxxx
PhD - Department of Computer Science - University of Pisa, Italy
The self-confidence of a warrior is not the self-confidence of the average
man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls
that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and
calls that humbleness.
              Â Tales of Power - C. Castaneda
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