Re: [BISECTED] 2.6.35.*: horrible (exponential? >linear) slowdown to unusability (HPET)
From: Nix
Date: Fri Sep 10 2010 - 03:42:15 EST
On 10 Sep 2010, Artur Skawina spake thusly:
> I'm seeing this too, except here it happens every couple of days of uptime,
> lasts for a few minutes, and then goes away. Which made bisecting a bit
> impractical... Thank you for doing it.
I just happened to be the lucky sod for whom it was consistently going
wrong. :)
> HW is similar; x64 and X58/82801JI/ICH10, tsc clocksrc.
> Did that printk trigger?
(hm, odd.
spindle:~# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
spindle:~# grep -i tsc /proc/timer_list
spindle:~# grep -i hpet /proc/timer_list
Clock Event Device: hpet
set_next_event: hpet_legacy_next_event
set_mode: hpet_legacy_set_mode
I suspect current_clocksource doesn't do what we think it does, or the
clocksource and 'clock event device' are not the same.)
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