Re: [PATCH] libata: reorder ata_queued_cmd to remove alignmentpadding on 64 bit builds
From: Richard Kennedy
Date: Sun Sep 12 2010 - 07:21:29 EST
On Fri, 2010-09-10 at 15:22 +0100, Hugo Antunes wrote:
> Greetings,
> Following the list this pasts days, building a big machine with 45
> sata2 disks (WD green 1.5TB), Sil3124 4 ports sata2 with 9 port
> multipliers with 5 each also from Silicom image.
> This machine should smoke but it doesn't, attached is the dmesg dump where it is possible to see the enourmous ammount
> of hard and soft resets.Using Ubuntu/server 10.4 2.6.32-25-server x86_64, been questioning if this patch could
> make me have better numbers from this system, going to build a debian/ubuntu kernel image with the patch, if anyone
> has a link for a deb image with this patch..apreciated.
> Keep the good work
> Regards,
> ./hantunes
I think it's very unlikely that my patch will have any impact on your
problem, it is only a very minor improvement when creating new ports.
I didn't get the dmesg attachment so I can't tell what sort of problems
you are having, but with that many drives I'd start by checking the
power supplies & cables and then try the latest kernel.
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