Re: [PATCH 2/3] hid: 3m: Convert to MT slots
From: Stéphane Chatty
Date: Mon Sep 20 2010 - 16:23:35 EST
Le 20 sept. 10 à 22:04, Henrik Rydberg a écrit :
What about this:
+ value = clamp_val(value, 0, MAX_SLOTS - 1);
if (md->valid) {
md->curid = value;
md->f[value].touch = md->touch;
If you had tracking IDs 59, 60 and 61 in the same frame, this
would not work
properly would it?
That is the slot id being set. The microtouch controller is also
using slots
Oh, right. Once again back to your definition of tracking ID that is
not so intuitive to me :-) In the end we might end up dealing with
three IDs: the device's tracking ID, the slot ID, and the Linux
tracking ID. Here, the first and the second are the same but will
they always be? I remember when Stantum used to provide us with 16
bit "device tracking IDs"...
Anyway, I have no more problem with this constant. Just with the
vocabulary :-)
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