Re: [PATCH] Fix capi devicenames
From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu Sep 30 2010 - 06:31:54 EST
O> devices.txt is just wrong in some things, and the common userspace
> usage pattern is much closer to be a 'standard' here than this file.
> devices.txt should catch up here. The same is true for scdX vs. srX,
> scdX nodes don't exist today, and srX is not at all deprecated, unlike
> devices.txt states.
devices.txt is the spec.
> The kernel provided ISDN nodes never made sense for applications using
> ISDN. Also the devices.txt node names, I've never seen anywhere else
> than in devices.txt.
Doesn't matter - changing them will cause regressions.
If people want to rename them in userspace then fine, but changing the
default names for device nodes is not something to do lightly. You'll
break stuff for people who do follow the spec.
So NAK, and that's with the devices@xxxxxxxxxx keeper of the device name
mappings hat on.
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