per-chroot clock module ?
From: Jason Vas Dias
Date: Sat Nov 27 2010 - 13:24:14 EST
Greetings -
Sorry in advance if this is a stupid idea, but -
I'd really like to be able to set a distinct "clock" for a specific chroot environment,
such that the super-user could call :
const char *my_chroot_directory = "/some_chroot";
struct stat st;
if(stat( my_chroot_directory, &st) ==0)
sys_clock_settime ((clockid_t) st.st_inode, (struct timespec *)tp)
( from glibc )
and there would be a real-time clock offset association in the kernel between the
inode number of the directory to which a "chroot" has succeeded, and a real-time
clock offset , so that ALL processes that run with their "root" directory of such
chroot directories can get the same values for time() or gettimeofday() which would be
offset from the real-time clock by the current offset of the last "clock_settime(inode, timespec)"
second parameter for that directory inode (first parameter).
Eventually, the coreutils "date(1)" command could be extended to support setting the system
date and time for different chroot() root directories.
Does anyone know of a module that does this ?
If not, and if no-one convinces me this is a stupid idea, I'm going to write one.
Thanks in advance for any replies,
All the best,
Jason Vas Dias (a software engineer) <jason.vas.dias@xxxxxxxxx>
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